Trapped in the Dream Phase of Faith

Do you ever feel trapped in the dream phase of faith? By that, I mean, do you feel like you have dreams of big things with God, but they stay just that, dreams? So often, we can dream big with God. You might want to see a Christian rehab center opened, or start your own business. Maybe have a retreat center or own property. Or you have big family plans to foster children or have a big family. You might have big plans or small plans, but many of us have plans or dreams. Maybe they haven’t originated with you, but they have been spoken over your life through prophecy. Perhaps they are a dream of a parent passed down to you or just a desire that you have been submitting to the Lord. Wherever they have come from they are currently just dreams. They have not manifested into anything yet. How often do our dreams or plans stay in this dream phase of faith?

What I mean by this is that we don’t do anything with these dreams. We make excuses that we don’t have time or money. The idea is nice, but I don’t even know where to start. We wish they could become a reality, but they don’t because our faith remains a dream. I think this is where James can really help us.

James 2:17 (ESV): “So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.”

The apostle James makes a strong statement here that when we say we believe something, we act in alignment with that belief. If I announce you can win a brand-new car, you only have to enter your details below. Your faith in my character and ability to perform such an extravagant task would be to DO something and…enter your details below. You could say that Grace would do it and dream about all the long car drives you could have, but if you never acted on that belief, you would still be in your old car. (Disclaimer: So that everyone knows, I am not promising a new car if you put your details below). Your actions and beliefs line up and become the rock on which you make decisions and live. Many people say they believe things about God that their actions never prove.

So, we must ask ourselves why our dreams stay in the dream phase of faith. Is it because we haven’t heard the Lord on the matter? Is it because we believe it is the Lord but are scared to walk out in it? Maybe we don’t know how to take the following steps. Whatever our reason, the key is that we do not want to be trapped in the dream of walking with God; we want to be those who actually walk out the dreams God has given or the desires we have prayed through with the Lord.

So, how can I get out of the dream phase of faith?

  1. Be clear about your dreams. So often, we can say we have all the dreams but never articulate what those dreams are. Don’t just write down the big dreams or just God’s dreams, but all desires and dreams write them down. Sometimes, the small dreams are the stepping stones of faith to believe God for the extraordinary.

    1. Recognize the difference between God’s dreams and your dreams. It doesn’t mean your dreams aren’t going to happen but recognize God’s voice. Romans 10:17 says faith comes when we hear God’s word, so allow God’s voice to build faith. Ask the Lord for a verse or a word you can bring back to Him in faith as you contend for these dreams.

    2. Write them down in a journal or make a note on your phone. Put them in a place of constant remembrance, maybe on a sticky note on the bathroom mirror or your bedroom door. Read them and spend a couple of minutes praying about them whenever you pass them. We want to be like the widow who kept asking and asking until she got the help she needed (Luke 18:1-9).

  2. Make a plan: Ask the Lord the next steps to bring this dream to life. James 1:5-8 says we should ask God for wisdom when we lack wisdom. He gives it generously and without being disappointed that we don’t already know what to do, but he makes it clear that we need to believe what He gives us. If we choose not to believe what we hear, we become unstable, jump around, and get all confused. That kind of person isn’t going to get anywhere. So take a risk in what you believe the Lord is sharing with you. Trust Him, write down the details and enjoy the grace-filled journey of following Jesus.

    1. If you are making big decisions, talk with those in church leadership and ask for wisdom from them, but allow the Lord’s voice primarily to be the voice that leads you.

  3. Take a step: whatever the Lord says to you, start walking in that direction with conviction. So often, this is the place of dilly-dallying. We hem and haw about the implications and about what if we got it wrong. What if we took a step and trusted that our Heavenly Father is big and loving enough to steer us in a good direction? Even if you are afraid to step out because you feel it might be presumption, acknowledge that fear before the Lord and allow Him to move you, but take a step. Most of us don’t even get there; we wait at the starting line for God to drop the treasure of heaven at our feet, but God has called us to search them out (Proverbs 29:2). Take a step.

    So today, settle in your heart that I will make a step to get out of the dream phase of faith and into living the dream that God has given me. I am no longer trapped by fear but will trust my good Heavenly Father to lead and guide me on this journey. I will see the glory of God’s provision and faithfulness on this journey, and I will enjoy the journey He has given me.

    If you have made a decision to leave the dream phase of faith, please let me know by getting in contact with me. This blog is part of my first steps to leaving the dream phase of faith, and I hope it encourages you to do the same.


The Father’s Arms