The Father’s Arms

When I was a little girl, I had the most terrible temper. I would get so angry and would get myself so riled up. There were many times my Dad would simply hold me. I would struggle and struggle to break free. Getting riled up and angry, this would last a little while until I would stop and rest in my father's arms. He would then cwtch me (which is a Welsh snuggle/hug) for a while.

Our Heavenly Father does that to us sometimes. We get so riled up with sorting everything out. We believe we are the ones responsible for sorting out all the details of our lives. We need to worry about where our kids are going to school or if they are doing enough extracurriculars. We are worried about the bills or the job promotion. We are worried about the health of our parents or if we are doing a good job being a parent. The list of worries continues on and on until we feel completely overwhelmed and wonder what on earth we are doing with our lives. We get ourselves in that place like I was as a child, where we are so worked up that the only place we can wrestle through the struggle is in the Father’s embrace.

The problem comes is that we spend most of our time running away from that place. We spend our time on social media hoping to be validated or having long talks with friends, hoping to find a sense that this worry spiral is normal. We might try to find comfort in food or material things, hoping that this would bring security and peace, but I have found that it does not bring security. All these things may, for a moment, bring a sense of rest, but all that can be shaken will, and it does. The house of cards falls flat, and the sense of restlessness reappears, and we are back in the cycle of anxiety and worry. I don’t know where you are, but do you identify with that cycle? You are looking for that peace and rest but can’t seem to truly grasp it. It seems to always slip through your fingers, and the more you try, the more helpless you feel. I want to start by saying there is hope today. It isn’t in me or my words, but in Jesus's words.

Jesus says, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 6:28-29).

If you are a believer reading this, you might say, “I have read these verses before, but they haven’t changed anything.” I want to encourage you today to go back before the Lord and sit with Him with these words. Tell your Heavenly Father how you feel and wrestle with him with crying until you encounter Him. Just like my earthly father held me tight and would not let go, your heavenly Father has a lot stronger arms to handle your wrestle. He won’t reject you as others may have because of your struggle. He holds you tight and tighter still. He knows your struggle and longs for you to recognize his love and care for you so that you would stop running away and run toward him. I don’t know what is stopping you from running to Him, but don’t let there be any hindrances; run to him. There is space for you; you do not need to fear being turned away. Allow him to meet you in the silence or the wrestle.

One of my favorite verses is Proverbs 18:10,

“The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe” (NLT).

Whenever I read this verse, my mind immediately goes to those times when my father would hold me in my distress. Jesus’ name is a strong fortress; you don’t need to go anywhere to experience it. His name is on your tongue, and it is in your mouth. You can be driving in your car, alone in your house, in the bathroom at work, or wherever you are, his name is with you. Call upon his name, run to that name, and find the safety he offers. Find his everlasting arms he has that will never leave and never forsake. His arms are endless and strong, able to hold you up and sort out all the details. He is the prince of peace that calms your fears as you cast them on him. He is Emmanuel, God with us, in the beauty of life and the filth of the pit. He is there. Run to him today. Run to Jesus. Run to the Father. He has his arms stretched wide, inviting the wrestle, inviting the struggle, and offering peace, joy, and rest in exchange.   


Trapped in the Dream Phase of Faith