Call as a Prophet

My call as a prophet was not as straightforward as I would like, but life is a journey and something we can not really control. From a young age, I remember having dreams and finding them to be very significant. I grew up in a Christian family, so the presence of God and the things of God were very normal to me. When I came to faith, I remember getting words for people in the church. Mainly, I shared Scripture verses with people that the Lord gave me. I remember getting a few words of knowledge when doing evangelism, but nothing spectacular. It was not until I was baptized in the Holy Spirit that there was an acceleration in my life. I came to Wales to take some time out to ask the Lord what my future held. During those first few weeks, the Lord baptized me in the Holy Spirit and began leading me in a clear way. Very clearly, the Lord called me to move to Wales from the USA.

Sometimes, we do not always understand the plans of the Lord, but in His faithfulness, He leads and guides us to the right place at the right time. When I was living in the USA, I was in the middle of a degree, and my life was going in a particular direction. I was not expecting to move to Wales, but He knew best. Putting everything on the altar before Him, it was like I was going from square one, but I knew God was in it. This made me seek the Lord for what He had for my life.

I remember thinking, “Lord, you called me to Wales, but why?”

I know I was getting married, but I knew there was more to it.

During this time, I was working as a catering assistant, knowing this was not why He brought me back. My prayer was: “Lord, what do you want me to do with my life?” In the US I was studying to be a nurse, but there was no peace in picking that back up over here. As I was praying, Ben Fitzgerald, from Awakening Europe, came to Wales. He was staying not too far from our church, and my brother, being the man of faith he is, wanted to invite him to come and speak. My Dad (the pastor) reached out, and my brother prayed. He ended up responding to my Dad and coming to our church for an evening meeting. I remember being so hungry to hear what the Lord wanted to speak to me. Ben started to give words of knowledge and prophesy over people. I remember sitting there as if I had a lottery ticket and I was waiting for my number to be called. He gave a word of knowledge about a tattoo on someone's right shoulder. I did not need any more information; my hand shot up. He called me to come down the front and asked if it was birds, and I said, ‘No, a mountain.’ He said, ‘Well, I got nature,’ and then started to pray and prophesy over me. In his words to me, he said that I was going to be known as a prophet in Wales.

“A prophet, what does that mean,” I thought to myself. We only knew a few prophets, and my personality was nothing like them. I remember seeking out people to tell me what this meant. I asked for direction from the prophets I knew while everyone around me was so excited for me. They would say to me, “That’s so exciting; you are going to be a prophet.”

I had no idea what that meant. ME A PROPHET. Maybe they got it wrong.

What if I do not live up to the expectation? I did not look like any prophet I knew and the evidence did not come quite as quickly as I would have liked. The Lord had to deal with a lot of my insecurities. He showed me in the book Hands of Jesus by Philip Mohabir that it was the person who is the gift. Being a prophet is not about becoming something, it is about walking out who Jesus has made me to be. It is the way He has made me to think; how I saw things; how things came naturally to me; and what I knew; are all aspects of me being a prophet. It was not putting on something but functioning from what He has put inside me. This really switched my focus from looking to others to validate me, to walking out who God made me to be. Instead of trying to be something, I just sought the Lord and desired to walk faithfully with Him. He caused me to step out in many ways, refining me, challenging me, and loving me along the way. The journey is shaping me as a prophet. I would never have guessed I would be where I am now, but I am. God gave me a broad call as a prophet. As I have spent more time with Him, He has, and still is, honing what that looks like for me and what He has for me.

I am on a journey, growing and working through the fullness of my call as a prophet, but one thing he has made clear is that I am a Mamma Prophet.

Mohabir, P. (2004). Hands of jesus. workbook: Five-fold Ascension Ministries. Power House.


Discovering lasting peace: My salvation story